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The NCS Conservation Small Grants Fund has been established to promote fund-raising for conservation and to provide small grants.  You apply for a grant from it or donate to the fund here.

The NCS Fund provides grants for remedial conservation (studio) projects and for preparation for projects, supported by freelance Registered and Accredited Conservator practices.  Grants are typically between £500 and £1000.  Grants can be sought from any organisation that has public or other access arrangements for its collecitions, for research or learning.  Target areas for grant funding are:

  • Conservator assessment of an item or collection resulting in a report for use as part of a larger grant application
  • Conservator support in assessing a collection before acquisition or for a loan for exhibition
  • Small scale research projects that seek to develop methods of treatments, environmental monitoring, collection assessment approaches etc.

The Fund has been started with money donated by our Business Partners (who donate their membership fee to the Fund annually) and by a start-up gift by the Dyson Trust.
All heritage collecting institutions (public and private) that make their collections available to researchers in some form are eligible to apply for a grant.  Any collection or object type can be the subject of a grant application.  There is no fixed timetable for grant applications.  Applications will be considered as they arrive and grants made in any one year will depend on the funds available.  The Directors of NCS will form a panel for decisions where required, inviting a third party expert if necessary.

If you are looking for grant funding please click the Apply button below:

Apply for funding